4 Best Tips to help your Mental health During Covid-19

In times of pandemic of the new coronavirus, taking care of your mind is important to not feel so shaken and not to suffer health. At this moment, fear of unemployment, of being infected by Covid-19 or of more complicated factors can contribute to anxiety and depression crises.

So, in this period of social isolation , we have separated 4 tips that can help you maintain mental health . Check out:

mental health

Conduct family activities

Games, movies and physical activities at home are some of the activities to relax your mind in this very difficult time in society. Get your family together and have fun with those you love so much.

Take the time to do what you love

Are you feeling stressed all the time? Perhaps it is an excellent time to take a deep breath and do what you like best to improve your body and mind. Watch that movie that you love so much, take time to connect with your body, have fun cooking or have a self-massage while bathing.

Try doing meditation

Experts recommend doing meditation because it reduces stress and anxiety by strengthening the nervous and immune systems. In addition, it improves memory, self-esteem and increases the ability to concentrate. Use apps to help you do the practice, there are several available in online stores.

Call friends or family to reduce your homesickness

If you often end up feeling lonely at home, try calling friends or even family members. Having a good conversation can help your body to relax and feel better by having the support of special people at that time. If you still feel that something is missing, see a specialist. Don’t let the feeling of loneliness shake your mental health during Covid-19.

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